Contact Person : Ronnie
Phone Number : (86)13590428256
WhatsApp : +8613590428256
December 31, 2014
Today is the last day of 2014.
The new year 2015 is coming.
Shenzhen Jingji Technology will have three day holiday from 1.Jan. to 3.Jan. And resume working on 4.Jan.
Thanks for your support in 2014.
On behalf of company. Hope everything goes well with you in 2015.Best wishes for you and Happy New Year .
In 2015,Shenzhen Jingji Technology will continue to work hard in pipe rack system industry .
ABS/PE coated pipe in different color.
Metal pipe joints in different connecting type.
The new aluminum alloy pipe and pipe joint will meet your need.
If you have any questions or ideas,welcome to feedback to us.
We will try our best to do.
Thanks very much.
Shenzhen Jingji Technology.Co.,Ltd.
The leading pipe and joint system supplier in Shenzhen,China for 10 years.
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